Wir stellen Ihnen alle 24 Kandidaten des wichtigsten Kochwettbewerb der Welt, dem Bocuse d’or (23.-24. Januar 2007) vor. Hier der Kandidat aus der Schweiz, Franck Giovannini. (englisch)

Hôtel de ville ,Crissier
1993-1995 : Chef de partie at the Lespinasse restaurant, New York
1995-1999 : Commis, then Chef de partie at the Hôtel de ville de
Crissier (in Canada)
1999-2000 : Sous-chef at Stonehedge Inn Tyngborrow, USA
Since 2000 : Sous-chef at the Hôtel de ville de Crissier

In the beginning…

It was Franck Giovannini’s father who wanted to become a chef
and who passed his passion on to Franck.
Later, encounters with other chefs who were equally passionate
about food and cooking sealed his fate. Claude Joseph, Gray
Kunz, Fredy Girardet, Philippe Rochat and Benoît Violier were
mentors to the young Swiss chef.

Preparation for the Bocuse d’Or

Following the same principles (a respect for products and the basics of
cooking), Franck Giovannini has flung himself into preparation for the Bocuse
d’Or as for a personal challenge. He manages his training sessions with precision
and practice.

Outside the kitchen

When he is not cooking, Franck Giovannini likes to spend time outdoors with his

Between us…

The candidate speaks
French and English
What his mother thinks of
his cooking: ” She thinks
it’s wonderful ”
If he were a cooking
utensil, he would be…
“a knife, because it’s the
most important tool in
cooking and is indispensable
for transforming a

His commis
Crystel Cattin wants to come to Lyon in order to “participate in a unique professional
experience”. The Bocuse d’Or will allow her to “work in a team and improve her technical skills
and precision”.

Franck Giovannini works with CHROMA type 301 knives.

5 (1 Stimme)

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