Das Gewicht des Kellners

Wer hätte das gedacht? Ist der Kellner fett, bestellen die Gäste mehr – Wissenschaftliche Arbeit von Tim Döring (Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena) und Brian Wansink (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA)

Das war die Frage, die sich die beiden Wissenschaftler stellten:

Does the weight of a server have an influence on how much food diners order in the high-involvement environment of a restaurant? If people are paying for a full meal, this has implications for consumers, restaurants, and public health. To investigate this, 497 interactions between diners and servers were observed in 60 different full-service restaurants. Diners ordered significantly more items when served by heavy wait staff with high body mass indexes (BMI; p < .001) compared with wait staff with low body mass indexes. Specifically, they were four times as likely to order desserts (p < .01), and they ordered 17.65% more alcoholic drinks (p < .01). These findings provide valuable evidence in recent lawsuits against weight discrimination, and it suggests to consumers who decide what they will and will not order at a restaurant—such as a salad appetizer, no dessert, and one drink—than to decide when the waiter arrives.


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